The last 18 months have been incredibly difficult, frustrating, at times completely heartbreaking. For those people who have lost jobs, homes, loved ones, the world will never be the same. The world has undeniably changed, and we must face that with humility and accept that we may need to adapt the way we work.

Here at Purplex, we want to support our amazing staff as much as possible as we slowly but surely leave this strange time behind.

Here are just 5 ways we’re supporting staff through this transition period, which we encourage you to implement at your business too.

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Flexibility with working from home after the pandemic

It’s important to remember that, even as we come out the other side of the pandemic, the situation is still always changing. You never know when a staff member could be forced to stay home, either to isolate or to look after a poorly loved one. Others may still feel anxious about returning to the office, or perhaps they just feel more productive working from home.

Whatever the reason, you should adopt an adaptable approach to home-working and work with your employees to create a home-office balance that works for them.


Clear communication with your staff

This is still quite a stressful and anxiety-inducing time for many people, some of whom may have been staying inside for over a year. They may still feel uncertain about their job security, or even unsure how to interact with people again.

To support their transition back into the office, be sure to communicate with them clearly and calmly, being mindful not to overwhelm them with too much information all at once.

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Partner new staff with more experienced colleagues

It’s an incredibly unusual time to be entering a new workplace. Some new starters may not have met a new person since March 2020. As such, it’s important that new starters feel supported and looked after through the settling-in process.

Pairing them with an experienced colleague will help them learn the tricks of the trade, while also offering the older colleague support with their return to office life.

Creating an atmosphere of mutual support in the office is crucial as we take this next step together.


Social events after the pandemic

It’s no secret that Digital Ladder love to play hard. But this isn’t just about a good party. Many of your employees will feel uncertain about how to return to socialising, and a company get-together can be a really positive way to help them take that first step.

Just make sure boundaries are respected and no one feels pressured to move faster than they feel comfortable with. Perhaps consider still implementing some form of COVID precautions like social distancing or lateral flow testing to put everyone at ease. Everyone’s going to readjust at different paces, and that’s okay.

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Mental health support in the office

This incredibly difficult period has affected everyone differently, and for some, recovering from the impact of the pandemic won’t be a quick fix.

As an employer, make sure to be approachable and available so that staff feel encouraged to talk if they are suffering from mental health problems. And remember, it can be very tough for people to open up about these issues, so be sure to approach any such conversation with positivity and compassion.

Mental health charity Mind also has a number of workplace resources on their website that you may find useful, including Wellness Action Plans, to help keep everyone on the right track towards a brighter future.


It’s been a rough ride, but we’ll face whatever’s next, together. It’s time to build.

Growing back to our best